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Our Terms and Conditions

Please ensure you have read these terms and conditions before making a booking with Little Big Adventures

LittleBig Adventures terms and conditions


The following Terms and Conditions apply to all bookings made with LittleBig Adventures.  Please take some time to read them carefully as they are written to protect both your and LittleBig adventures interests.

Once LittleBig Adventures have taken a deposit and sent you an e-mail confirming your booking, both parties enter into a legally binding contract and agree to accept all of the terms and conditions laid out below.  You also acknowledge that you have read the activity information sent to you and are responsible for following the instructions contained within.  You declare that the information you have provided while booking is accurate and complete.



The terms LittleBig Adventures, LBA, us, we and our refer to LittleBig Adventures.

The terms you, client, participant, you’re, party, group, team and your refer to anyone or any group of people who make a booking with LittleBig Adventures.

The term ‘party leader’ refers to the individual who makes the booking with LittleBig Adventures.

The words package, trip, event, expedition, activity and adventure refer to and service provided by LittleBig Adventures.

The term booking agent refers to any party through whom you make your booking with LittleBig Advetures.

The term supplier refers to anyone who supplies LittleBig Adventures with any service.

The terms instructor, provider, facilitator and tutor refer to any individuals who deliver packages for LittleBig Adventures, either on an employed or freelance basis.


The Booking Process

Activities can be booked with LittleBig Adventures by e-mail, telephone, or through an approved booking agent.  The person making the booking (the party leader) must be at least 18 years of age and have the legal capacity and authority to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of all party members being booked in.  The party leader is responsible for the accuracy of information provided to LittleBig Adventures.  LittleBig Adventures cannot be held liable for the accuracy of any information provided or for any problems that may arise from incorrect information that you provide.  Please check your booking information carefully and contact us if you find any mistakes.


Payment and Cancellations

If the activity date is more than 60 days away, you will need to make a non-refundable deposit of 35% of the total booking cost at the point of booking.  You will then be asked to make full payment 60 days prior to the activity date.  This payment is non-refundable.  If the activity date is less than 60 days away, the full amount of the booking will be required and this is non-refundable. 

If you have made full payment early and wish to cancel your booking more than 60 days before the activity date, you will be refunded everything you have paid except for the 35% deposit.  If you cancel your booking within the 60 days leading up to the activity date, you will not be entitled to any refund.

Upon booking, you will be provided with a date on which full payment must be made.  You must pay this on-time.  In the case of your failure to pay in full or on-time, LittleBig Adventures reserves the right to cancel your booking and keep all monies paid up to that point.


It may occur that LittleBig Adventures must cancel your booking before the activity begins.  This could happen for a range of reasons including, but not limited to: The government not allowing us to operate due to a pandemic such as Covid-19, adverse weather conditions or short-notice instructor illness.  We will endeavour to give you as much notice of this event as possible.  In any of these situations you will be offered the two following options:


  1. A full 100% refund.

  2. A 25% refund and an alternative date for your activity to take place.


If you would like to choose option B, a new date will be agreed between you and LittleBig Adventures for the activity.  If this change of date leads to the party size changing, LittleBig Adventures will strive to make the client a suitable offer that fully refunds party members who do not get to participate whilst maintaining a 75% cost for the rest of the party.  If an agreement cannot be made, LittleBig Adventures reserves the right to give the client a 100% refund and end the discussions.


In the case of a cancellation due to adverse weather, LittleBig Adventures may offer you an alternative venue for your activity or different activity altogether.  For example, if heavy rain causes Church Beck to flood and become unsafe, LittleBig Adventures may offer to take you to another ghyll or on a different activity such as canoeing or climbing.  The activities on offer may be restricted by an instructors qualification, equipment availability or again, the weather.  You have the right to refuse this offer and instead request either of options A or B above.


No refund or alternatives will be offered for activities that start but are then cut short by adverse weather conditions.  For example, lightening while climbing a mountain.


In any case where clients wish to cancel part of a booking prior to the 60 days no refund window, Little Big adventures will re-assess the booking and supply the client with a new price based on our price structure.  This new price will include the 35% non-refundable deposit for the cancelled section of the booking.  If the booking was previously subject to a discount that no longer applies, this will be reflected in the new price.  (E.g.  A family of 4 book 2 days of canoeing.  The first day is £300 and the second is £300 discounted 20% due to LBA’s multi-day discount.  The booking total is £540.  The family choose to cancel the first day, opting for just one day of canoeing.  This second day no longer holds the 20% discount so costs £300.  The remaining £240 is subject to the 35% non-refundable deposit, incurring a cost of £84.  The total charge for the booking would be £384).  This logic would be applied in any such scenario.


LittleBig Adventures is not responsible for any costs you may incur due to cancellation of an activity, such as fuel or parking. 


If you decide to leave an activity part way through for any reason, LittleBig Adventures will not offer you any amount of refund.


Some of these conditions may seem harsh, but once they are booked we will pay our instructors for the day.  They are only hired in a guiding capacity so there is no other work we can turn them to in the event of a cancellation.  Thank you for your understanding.



LittleBig Adventures holds public Liability Insurance for each of the activities we provide.  However, we strongly recommend that you have an insurance policy which covers you for trip cancellation and injury while participating in outdoor adventurous activities.


Changes to the group size, participants, activity or date.

Changes to the group size can be made up to 60 days before the activity date with no penalty.  If group numbers drop too low, the minimal booking fees will still apply.  We cannot guarantee that we will be able to facilitate increases in group numbers as these may require additional instructors and none may be available.  However, where possible we will endeavour to accommodate your requests.  Should our inability to facilitate requested changes leads to a client wishing to cancel their booking, the normal cancellation policy applies. 


Within 60 days of the activity start date, it may be possible to make changes to the group size, but LittleBig Adventures reserves the right to refuse these requests.  We will not refund you for a reduction in numbers within the 60 day window.  The participants can be changed up until 7 days before the activity date.  It is the responsibility of the party leader to ensure that the instructor has an accurate participant list with the correct medical information before the activity commences.


It is possible to request a change of activity up until a week before the activity date.  LittleBig Adventures will endeavour to meet these requests where possible.  The client will be responsible for paying and difference in price between the booked and new activity, if applicable.  LittleBig Adventures will offer no refund if the new activity costs less than the original.  However, changes may not be possible due to instructor qualifications or equipment availability.  In this case, the original activity will remain booked as planned.


The client may request to change the date of the activity.  LittleBig Adventures will attempt to accommodate these requests but maintains the right to refuse them.  There will be no extra charges for date changes and no refund available if LittleBig Adventures is unable to facilitate.


Medical Conditions and disabilities

It is vitally important that you inform us of any adverse medical conditions that may be affected by an activity, or affect your ability to fully participate in an activity, at the point of booking.  By making your booking, you confirm that everyone in your party is appropriately fit and both physically and mentally capable of safely taking part in the booked activity.  If, in our reasonable opinion, a member of the party is not physically or mentally able to safely participate in the chosen activity due to a medical condition or disability, we reserve the right to refuse the booking.  If this condition is undisclosed but becomes apparent on the day of the activity, we reserve the right to refuse to allow the individual to participate and no refund will be given.  We are very keen to be as inclusive as possible and will only take this step if we have serious concerns around safety. 

We are happy to discuss medical conditions or disabilities that may make safe participation more difficult and if we can take steps such as reducing group numbers or altering activity/equipment to make participation possible then we will.  However, LittleBig Adventures reserves the right to refuse to take a booking where a medical condition or disability feels beyond our ability to make reasonably safe in the activity context.  We will very happily refer these enquiries onto our friends at ‘Anyone Can’, who specialise in delivering outdoor adventurous activities for those with disabilities and limiting medical conditions.

Arrival to activity


Punctuality and preparation

Upon booking you will be provided with details about your activity and the equipment you need to bring with you.  This may include a packed lunch for all-day activities. If you fail to arrive with the appropriate equipment then the instructor may refuse to allow you to participate and you will be given no refund.

You must arrive on time for your activity.  On a private booking, the instructor will wait 30 mins beyond the start time and your late arrival will shorten the activity time.  On open sessions the instructor will not wait and will start the session with the rest of the participants.  You will not be allowed to participate if waiting for you causes the rest of the participants to miss out on activity time.   You will be offered no refund if you arrive too late to participate.



We advise you not to bring your valuables on our activities.  This is especially impressed for activities that involve water like Ghyll Scrambling and water sports.  The instructor will carry a waterproof container which valuables can be held in.  However these containers sometimes leak or can be lost and any valuables placed in it are done so at the participants own risk.  Vehicle keys can be locked in the instructors car.  In the incredibly unlikely event their vehicle or yours is stolen, Little Big Adventures will not be held responsible.  For anyone determined to bring a phone, camera or other valuable on the activity, we recommend that you bring a waterproof sleeve or pouch that can be worn under a wetsuit.  However, you bring them at your own risk.



For some activities we will provide you with specialist equipment for the activity.  There is no additional charge for the use of this equipment.  You are responsible for looking after this equipment and returning it in the same condition that you received it.  You will be charged for the replacement of equipment that you damage through carelessness, failure to follow instructions or intentional actions.  You will not be charged for equipment that becomes accidentally damaged through usage.


Drugs and Alcohol

LittleBig Adventures has a zero tolerance policy towards drugs and alcohol.  Any participants who show up under the influence of either will not be allowed to participate and will be given no refund. 

LittleBig Adventures or our suppliers will not be held liable nor accept any responsibility for any injury, death or problem that occurs while you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Acknowledgement of Risk

LittleBig Adventures takes every reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of our participants.  However, by participating in any of our activities, you are assuming the responsibility for any injury, including death.  LittleBig Adventures and its instructors, agents and subcontractors cannot be responsible for any injury caused to you, or by you to others, as a result of you failing to follow the instructions or advice we provide. 

It is your contractual obligation to LittleBig Adventures to act in a safe and responsible manner at all times, and adhere to all safety procedures.  You must be present at all safety briefings, listen attentively, and ensure that you understand the content of the briefing.  You must immediately report to your instructor any site or equipment deficiencies that could lead to harm befalling you or anyone else.  You must dress appropriately and be equipped in the manner advised to you by any LittleBig Adventures instructor.

Your booking is accepted on the understanding that you realise the hazards involved in this type of course including death or injury.  Each participant, or the parents of those under 18 will need to sign a participation to confirm that they acknowledge and accept this risk.  The purpose of the form is to indemnify the instructor and LittleBig Adventures from any claims made by you for incidents arising due to circumstances outside the instructor and LittleBig Adventures reasonable control.  The obligations of our instructors providing any service or activity are to use reasonable skill and take reasonable care when providing such services and activities. You must demonstrate that reasonable skill and care has not been used if you wish to make any claim.

Instructor Authority

You agree to abide by the authority of the instructor, who represents LittleBig Adventures.  The decision of the instructor as to the format of the activity is final. If, in the opinion of the instructor, your behaviour or physical condition is putting the wellbeing of other people at risk, or if the instructor considers your general wellbeing to be at risk by continuing the activity, you may be asked to leave the activity without the right to any refund for unused services. The person(s) concerned will be required to leave the activity and we will have no further responsibility to them.  No refunds will be made and we will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination.  You must not do anything or fail to do anything that is reasonably likely to bring LittleBig Adventures into disrepute.



Some instructors may wish to bring pets with them whilst running activities.  Any clients who are afraid or uncomfortable around animals can ask for no pets to be present.  You may wish to bring a pet with you on activities.  This is an option but will need to be discussed with LittleBig Adventures at the time of boking.


Photos and Marketing

Each participant will have the option to opt out of their photos being used for marketing on the participation form.  If you do not opt out, you consent to us using both still images and videos of you participating in our activities for marketing purposes.  You consent to us using your written feedback in our advertising.


Data Protection

The information we obtain from you upon booking may be retained for up to 7 years if required for H&S/legal/insurance compliance.  Information may need to be shared with any bodies related to incident/accident investigation.  After 7 years, any information that needs to be retained will be anonymised.  Your data will not be used for marketing or passed to third parties except for the reasons stated above.



If you have any complaints during your activity, please voice them to your instructor so that they have the opportunity to rectify the grievance then and there.  If this does not yield satisfactory results, please contact the LittleBig Adventures admin team and we will do our best to rectify the issue.  Our instructors do not have the authority to offer refunds and any promises made should be disregarded.  Only the company owner can make such promises.


​About these Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions and any contract to which they apply, are governed in all respects by English Law. They shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England. If any part of these Terms and Conditions is determined by a court to be unenforceable, the remainder of the Terms and Conditions shall be unaffected and shall continue in full force and effect. All communications relating to this contract must be from the party leader in writing and in English and delivered by hand, email or sent by recorded delivery post to LittleBig Adventures, 18 Church Bank, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire, LA6 1DT.

These Terms and Conditions may only be waived or amended by the owner of LittleBig Adventures. Such waivers or amendments will only be made in special circumstances, and must be made in writing to be effective.

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